標題只有一個名字:Karen Blixen,照片中的女人年華已逝,但是皺紋密佈的臉上那雙大眼睛仍然炯炯有神,我的眼光眷戀無法離去。細讀之下,發現她就是”Out of Africa”和"Babette's Feast"的作者。Out of Africa被Sydney Pollack拍成電影,由勞勃瑞福和梅莉史翠普主演,講的就是 Karen Blixen與戀人Denys Finch Hatton的故事。旅遊書上寫著,她的舊居位於哥本哈根北邊二十四公里的Rungsted,已改為紀念她的博物館。
那不是個遊客會去的有名景點。但是她的照片好似擊到心中的一條弦似的,無法釋懷。於是一個風和日麗的週末,我搭上火車,前往Karen Blixen的家鄉。
從火車站出來,有標誌可循,不過順著大馬路沒走多久,就看到一個路牌說:“The Karen Blixen Museum through the wood path”,有森林可走,再好不過,不經思索馬上走進去。陽光穿過林蔭,在泥土上撒下點點金光;穿梭林間,聽得各種鳥鳴,此起彼落甚是熱鬧;有時從陰涼的樹林間鑽出,出現一片原野,樹花綻放,又是另一番景象。
房子的前方有棵大樹,很大的石子地空間。右邊的那片房子是Karen Blixen的起居間,左邊則是母親和傭人的房間。
這幢房子位於海邊,港邊帆船點點,海水藍得要滲出顏色似的。Karen Blixen寫作的書房,正是面向海洋,不過冬天的時候,海風甚嚴,得移到靠內的房間。
Karen Blixen的起居範圍,大約每三十分鐘讓買票的遊客進去參觀,每個房間都能取得一張平面圖,詳細解釋傢俱的來由或背景故事。辦公室的二樓則是很大的展覽場地,擺設她的生平事跡的大海報,以及著作的書和手稿,能夠更清楚地瞭解她的一生。
這個房子是她的出生地,她二十八歲的時候嫁給表親,因為丈夫的生意,搬到肯亞經營咖啡園。這段在非洲與土著、原野、野生動物朝夕相處的故事,對她影響甚遠,許多小故事和感想省思都寫在她的Out of Africa這本書裡。她和丈夫的婚姻沒有維持太久,離婚之後,她仍持續咖啡園的經營。那段時間,她遇到Denys Finch Hatton,是帶隊探險野生動物區的獵人,他是第一個聆聽她寫的故事、熱切鼓勵她的人,他並帶她去打獵並駕機飛翔,擴展了她的視野。他不止是好朋友,也是知己,他們的愛戀當中有更多的相知相惜。後來因為種種原因,她無法繼續經營咖啡園,一天Denys駕機出門,告訴她星期四將會回來,但是他沒有在預期的時間出現,這才發現他飛行時出了事故,已墜機身亡。Karen Blixen此時不止破產,心也碎裂,四十六歲的她隻身回到丹麥,重返兒時的家,與母親同住,一直到去世為止。
屋中大部分的家具都是她以前用的,擺設也與生前一模一樣;一些桌椅和擺飾是從非洲帶回來的,說明版上寫著某些長椅是Denys Finch Hatton最愛坐的,而她寫作打字的書桌旁,也放著一張他側面的照片。他的墳墓在肯亞,但是在北國的房裡,卻處處有他的痕跡。
牆上掛著許多她畫的圖,油彩和炭筆都有,許多是非洲的土著的人物,也有風景畫,還有她在藝術學院上學時候的作品。每個房間都擺著很大一瓶的鮮花,Karen Blixen生前常在自家花園剪下花朵枝葉,插出不同的姿態和香氣。她說插花的構圖就像畫畫一樣,我在每個房間見到的花就是依照她親手插的花的照片來佈置,這麼多年了,仍是用後院的花。一個房間中放著一個銀色金屬雕刻的四方箱子,那是非洲土著用的旅行箱,她要離開的時候,一位僕人送的。帶回丹麥後,她將這箱子放在火爐旁裝木柴,上方就擺她插的花。那盆花不高,但是白花襯著綠色的枝葉橫向伸展地蓋住整個箱子上方的空間,配著古樸的箱子甚是和諧,走在室內就聞著清新的花香,感覺她的生活就是藝術。
遠遠地我就見到這棵大櫸樹(beech tree),前方是一片乾淨的石頭,上面刻著她的名字。就那兩個字,沒有墓誌銘,也沒有生平年月事蹟,如此靜默而純潔的靜靜躺著。我在樹蔭中佇立良久,望著這片簡單樸素的墓碑,像是她堅強孤獨的靈魂一般,心中又是憐惜又是尊敬。
回去後我就下載了她的Out of Africa到Kindle,一點一點地念。這本書是她用英文寫的,然後她在印出的稿子上,用鉛筆在行間譯成丹麥文,我在展示室中見到幾頁原稿,印象深刻。她的文字不疾不徐,平淡中有深意,尤其描述人物與景色特別生動。晚年時有人要她給自己評價,她說:「我是個說故事的人。」
這本書完全沒有寫她和Denys Finch Hatton的愛情故事(起碼我念到的目前為止),只用淡淡的筆觸寫著非洲的故事。她的筆下有顏色、有聲音,也有小人物的感情與無奈,我在她文字的魔力下也被帶進了那片非洲的荒原。末尾抄幾段我最喜歡的段落。你們是否也見到了草原上的野獸,感受到期待已久的雨呢?
“Out on the safaris, I had seen a herd of buffalo, one hundred and twenty nine of them, come out of the morning mist under a copper sky, one by one, as if the dark and massive iron-like animals with the mighty horizontally swung horns were not approaching, but were being created before my eyes and sent out as they were finished. I had seen a herd of elephant travelling through the dense native forest, where the sunlight is strewn down between the thick creepers in small spots and patches, pacing along as if they had an appointment at the end of the world. It was in giant size, the border of a very old, infinitely precious Persian carpet, in the dyes of green, yellow, and black and brown. I had time after time watched the progression across the plain of the giraffe, in their queer inimitable, vegetative gracefulness, as if it were not a herd of animals but a family of rare, long-stemmed, speckled gigantic flowers slowly advancing.”
“ No domestic animal can be as still as a wild animal. The civilized people have lost the aptitude of stillness, and must take lessons in silence from the wild before they are accepted by it.”
“When the quickly growing rushing sound wandered over your head it was the wind in the tall forest trees, —and not the rain. When it ran along the ground it was the wind in the shrubs and the long grass, — and not the rain. When it rustled and rattled just above the ground it was the wind in the maize fields, — where it sounded so much like rain that you were taken in, time after time, and even got a certain content from it, as if you were at least shown the thing you longed for acted on a stage, — and not the rain.
But when the earth answered like a sounding board in a deep fertile roar, and the world sang round you in all dimensions. All above and below, — that was the rain. It was like coming back to the Sea, when you have been a long time away from it, like a lover’s embrace.”